#How to use adobe animate cc software
Two important enhancements to this version of the software is a reorganized Properties Panel and a modernized timeline. This includes adjusting the stage settings and document properties, add layers to the Timeline, and understand and manage keyframes within the Timeline. The first lesson of the course provides students the opportunity to get comfortable with the Adobe Animate CC environment.

Students will need a copy of Animate CC in order to complete practice lessons throughout the course. Students should take the time necessary time to gain understanding as to how each part of the program works as they progress through the course.
#How to use adobe animate cc how to
Working through 10 project-based lessons, students will learn step-by-step how to create animations using Adobe's latest version of Animate.

This course provides hands-on learning with Adobe Animate to create interactive animations for games, apps, and the web. Adobe Animate CC 32 Hours / Access Length: 180 Days / Delivery: Online, Self-Paced